
#ACEs - Adverse Childhood Experiences are experiences that children have during their developmental period from pre-birth to approximately age 18, that often cause trauma as a result of the children not getting their needs met.

The original study from Kaiser Permanente published in 1998 included 10 experiences that had previously been extensively researched so there already existed a strong body of knowledge for comparison. Since that original publication, numerous additional studies have corroborated the original findings, and numerous additional experiences that undermine optimal development have been identified and added to the research.

The salient point of the comprehensive research into Adverse Childhood Experiences is that it emphasizes what we have known for decades, that early life experiences impact global child development. What the ACEs research specifically also identified was the connection between these impacts and physical health impacts in adult life.

Through this blog I will be sharing what I have learned about ACEs and the ensuing effects of childhood trauma through my many years of knowledge accumulation on the subject.

I believe this knowledge is the missing explanation for why humanity is in the state we are in of self, other, and habitability destruction. In order to turn our trajectory around, we need to look within, recognize what happened to us and the impact not getting our needs met has caused, and intentionally work to heal from our past individually and collectively.

This blog series will explain why I talk ACEs in spite of frequently being pressured into silence or calling it something different.

I believe we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others when we’re willing to face difficult truths and use our power to tranform their effects.

I hope you will join me on this journey to reclaim our optimal capacities, and ensure future human children achieve their potential.